How to care for Arowana fish in aquarium

Who does not know this one fish, arowana fish yap so fascinating. Can be said arowana fish is mostly filled living room of the conglomerate, which is arguably muuuahal fish.
Arowana fish, including families "ancestor", ie Osteoglasidae or fish families "bony-tongue" (bony tongues), as the base of his mouth in the form of bone that serves as the teeth. Arowana thinking about various nicknames, such as: Fish Naga (Dragon Fish), Barramundi, Saratoga, PlaTapad, indolent, Siluk, Kayangan, Peyang, Tangkelese, Aruwana, or Arowana, depending on the place.
Here I menshare a few tips on how to care for arowana fish is good and right in the tank, so you do not stress arowana fish or in order to develop properly.
1. Note the hardware aquariumSuccess or failure of the aquarium into a comfortable place for arowana fish, it is influenced by the availability of support facilities.
aeratorFunction aerator or air pump is supplying air into the aquarium water, and simultaneously vaporize or push up the remnants of combustion to the outside of the aquarium. Aerator said well, if the electric current that moves a small, but relatively large air ditiupkannya.
Heater & ThermometerThe heating device (heater) is required especially in the time of the aquarium water temperature to drop dramatically. While the water temperature control device or a thermometer also mounted in the aquarium. In cold areas, heater and thermometer is needed.
FilterThe function of the filter or filters to filter the water in the aquarium. Work includes a filter to suck up water aquarium, filter it, and return it to the aquarium in a clean condition.
lamp TLThe existence of fluorescent lamp, in addition to shine light, could also enhance the appearance of the aquarium. But, lest TL light heat which raises that exceed the needs. Ideally for measuring 80x40 cm aquarium requires 20 watt fluorescent lamp power.
2. diligent care aquariumI can not help if you already love arowana fish in an aquarium, it is enough diligent care. For then, the appearance of arowana in the aquarium looks healthy, fresh, and fun.
feedingThe main menu arowana in the aquarium is a centipede. but do not constantly given a centipede, should be varied with other foods. for example: shrimp, cockroaches, frogs, centipedes, lizards, and crickets.
control and change of waterevery day required to control the temperature and pH of water. As for the ideal water temperature for arowana fish around 25-27 degrees Celsius. suppose the temperature of cold water, immediately turn on the heater until the temperature of the water as needed. whereas the desired pH of about 6 to 8.5. suppose the pH is too low, then add lime into the aquarium. in addition, water sanitation should be noted also, please treat the aquarium water with malachite green, with a frequency of 3 weeks.and do not forget, the aquarium water is also replaced. but the change of water dipilahkan into two, namely: (a) regular water changes every 2 days with 10% of the entire volume of the aquarium water volume, and (b) total water change every 3 months. if you use pam water, should be allowed 24 hours in advance so that the content of chlorine to settle, and after that can be put into the aquarium.
3. The interior aquariumlife in the aquarium is a replica of the environment in the wild. therefore, it is necessary interior aquarium. This means demanding aesthetic appreciation, so the combination of the beauty of the aquarium with arowana fish gracefully capable of displaying the coolness harmonious shades.
water plantsconsidering the origin of arowana fish that likes to hide under water the plants, then we are ready to provide the plant in question. there are several types of plants that can be selected include: Vallisneria spiralis, Hidrilla verticillata, Riccia fluiutana, higrophila polisperma, Pistia stratiotes, najas indica, and so forth.
sand rockssand is used as a foundation laying rocks. should be used river sand, which is mixed with humus. in addition, given also includes rock and coral-essay. idéal berdia meter stone size 3 mm. The rock has a variety of shades and colors vary but still beautiful.
Each aquarium, there should only be one arowana alone (solitary), because it is not easy for one to coexist with arowana fish like. To gain Arowana fish quality, health and of course dibutuh in aquarium conditions almost identical to their natural habitat. The food must be adequate and given regularly, the water quality is also well controlled and are given drugs that are not polluted by chemical substances that are toxic.
Aquarium conditionsAnyone who maintains arowana certainly would proudly put the fish in the best kuarium. So that it reflected the maximum elegance, then only an arowana alone in an aquarium. Do not put the aquarium on the wall (wall) much less stick. Because if arowana see insects such as cockroaches or lizards on the walls, he would jump up and butting glass wall of the aquarium, so it can be wound. Calculate a large aquarium with a huge fish, so the fish can move freely and glide across the room enough. Give adequate illumination. To control the water temperature (27-30 degrees Celsius), preferably mounted on the wall aquarium thermometer and end submerged into the water. Measure the pH at least once a week.Background / Background: Aquarium is recommended to use the background of an image / sticker / paint. Color according to taste. However most hobbies using background color according to type of arowana are maintained, for example:
* Super Red = black background* Golden Cross Back = black background* Red Tail Golden = Background blue / white* Bandjar Red = Background blue / white* Silver = Background black / blue
FeedingAlthough there is no standard, arowana should be fed 3-4 times a day. It takes 8-10 tail crickets a day. Before awarded, crickets serrated rear legs first cut, so as not to scratch the esophagus arowana. To be assured that the food is not left in the tank. Crickets, centipedes, cockroaches and shrimp, contain carotene and chitin substance that can give effect scales a beautiful, bright and shiny on the Arowana.
Water qualityIn addition to temperature and pH, the water quality is also maintained by removing dirt from polluted water fish itself and the rest of the meal. With the filter, dirt can be removed, while the dirt that settles on the bottom of the aquarium aspirated with a hose. Must do it slowly so that the fish was not the stress of water is great shakes. Every three months the total drained aquarium and the glass must be free of moss, and Sabuni aquarium wall and when it, dry it in the sun, so that fungus and germs die. New water in the aquarium should be deposited before 24 hours before the fish is put back into the aquarium. The oxygen content in the water must be maintained by installing aerators that also functions as a pump and filter impurities.
Merging Arowana in One AquariumsThe ideal two tail arowana mixed as a child. But if an adult can generally be given as long as the aquarium glass partition. If both fish visibly angry with his mouth wide open, meaning the two do not get along. If in a week there is no change, meaning they do not match. Take another fish, do the same way, if not to show anger, means suitable, slowly removable glass partition. Observe carefully. If the two are not mutually chase. Meaning they can live in peace.
woofEach week, an additional 2-3 arowana fed lizards are not too big, and every two weeks by three tails centipede. Centipedes or millipedes including Arowana favorite food, so be careful to give it. If every day were given a centipede, the arowana will be reluctant to eat crickets or frogs once. He just want to eat centipedes.However, a centipede hunt arowana fish in the water is an interesting attraction in your aquarium. Because centipede able to move very quickly even though in the water, then arowana must demonstrate '' skill 'to hunt for food. He would squirm and continue to urge centipedes, until finally could catch and swallow.Arowana also want to eat live fish. Generally in Indonesia given the goldfish and tart were still puppies. However, it must be careful, because it is not impossible that the fish carry bacteria and disease that will infect arowana. Dead shrimp was like arowana, but for maintenance in the aquarium, it is not necessary given, because it would make the aquarium water turbid and the rest of the food that will easily decompose and cause illness for arowana.In order Arowana do not squint spread of food at a time into the aquarium. because it would be confusing arowana and the eyes will stare in all directions. Provide crickets or centipede one by one, so that the fish will only hunt the prey alone.Actually arowana also eat cockroaches, lizards, moths or grasshoppers, crickets as a distraction. However, Arowana not too often fed lizards, his eyes are not bulging or protruding outward.Arowana in order to remain healthy and quality, which is no less important is maintaining healthy aquarium water remains clean and suitable for the habitat arowana. Therefore, it takes some medicine to purify the water and keep the aquarium conditions suitable as habitat arowana. These drugs are generally already packaged in its finished form, so that it can be purchased directly at the merchant of ornamental fish and aquarium water mix to the recommended dosage.
Tag : Fish, Pets
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