GUIDELINES IN anesthetize Arwana

Many people are afraid to anesthetize arowana when something happens eg repeal fleas, cutting the gills folded, cut the tail were destroyed and others. Indeed, people who have never done anesthesia surely there could possibly panic. So the author of this article would like to provide guidance in drugging arowana that has been practiced by the author himself. And will be described with sesimple possible.The tools need to be prepared:1. Plastic corresponding fish size, bigger is nice 2 pieces. (1 for pushers, one for time aro want to return to the aquarium)2. Tweezers small / small, sharp scissors and sterile (boiled before use boiling water or soaked in alcohol)3. Drugs (in this case the authors use free ocean brand)4. damp cloth5. Antibiotics to prevent infection

Step 1Fill with water aquariums Plastic 2 1/4 kira2 plastic (used at aro want to return to the aquarium, useful when a large tank and water is a little bit so that the distance to the top of the aquarium water far enough).Step 2Aro Catch you with a plastic one and then try to water only fit with the back aro by removing the disposable bailer or direct water at the time of arrest in the aquarium. Aro hati2 as you could possibly be loncat2 so hold erat2 plastic.Step 3Enter the appropriate drug dose 1ml to 3 liters of water into a plastic containing your aro. In the use of drugs (fish stabilizer) brand ocean free hati2 lest mostly because the drug is highly effective brand / strong. Few aronya fainted. So love little by little until aronya gerak2 no longer held. There is one more brand aquadine not too hard but the wasteful use. because usually discharged 1/4 new bottle aronya fainted.Step 5Move aro you were still unconscious onto plastic 2 containing fresh water aquarium. Then you aro pelan2 enter into the aquarium but still within the plastic. Navigate power head / aerator that there is oxygen in the direction of the plastic until you move the gills aro only released into the aquarium. Usually you will be aware aro 1-3 minutes depending on how much anesthetic is given. In the guidelines written dope fish will realize within a period of 3 hours. If I read horror seh 3 hours we could suffer a heart attack waiting aro we are aware. :)
Step 6Enter antibiotics to prevent infection if there is bleeding for revocation or shearing of body parts arowana. In this case the authors use backtopur sera.
Tag : Fish
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