Tips on How to Take Care of Rabbits Good

Tips on How to Take Care of Rabbits GoodTips on How to Take Care of Rabbits The Good And Right - Rabbits are animals that are often maintained. Due to her cute and characteristic long ears. Cute rabbits are mammals of the family "Leporidae" which can be found much in the outside world.
In the past these animals live in the wild in Africa to mainland Europe. But now many in homes as pets.

Tips on How to Take Care of Good Angora RabbitsIllustration Tips on How to Take Care of Good Angora Rabbits

Maybe we only know how to give good eating, but if you already know how to care for a rabbit is good? Here's some ways to care for a rabbit in a way that is good and right.

How to Take Care of Rabbits That Easy, really ......

Regularly clean the rabbit cage, rabbit care for easy right?
Rabbits are very easy to be exposed to the fungus, especially on the ears and nose. Because if the cage is rarely cleaned the mushrooms it will be easy to live in a rabbit hutch. Rabbit cage should also be exposed to the sun, avoid damp. Then the bottom of the enclosure try a lot of holes, so that the dirt of rabbits can be directly thrown into the bottom of the cage.

2. Make the cage size is sufficient, especially when taking care of young rabbits
The size of the cage should be fit for places to eat and drink, and a height that can be reached by a rabbit, in order not trampled. Give minimum cage size 50x50 cm. Cage enough apart to make a rabbit at home, then the rabbit will be healthy.

3. Maintaining the good rabbit must create a varied diet
In addition to eating carrots rabbits can be fed grass and kale. It could also be given pellets are usually sold in stores. To vegetables, try to give the vegetables are wilted, in order to facilitate the rabbit to eat.

4. Bathing good rabbit is one of the characteristics of true caring for rabbits
If your rabbit looks dirty, immediately bathe. Because rabbits like cleanliness. But remember not too often to bathe rabbits yes.

5. Maintain the rabbit had to be diligent shaved rabbit fur
Rabbit fur quickly grow long. Preferably often combed, so neat. But if you are lazy to comb her, it is better to do on a regular basis separately shaved rabbit fur. Because if you shave regularly, then the growth of the feathers will be looked more beautiful.
How to Treat The Sick RabbitAiling pet is the thing that makes us as though she could feel the pain too. There are some signs that are easily recognized if we are sick rabbit, which appeared lethargic and dirt that are smaller than usual, very soft, dry dirt or none at all.

Please observe how to care for a sick rabbit:

Bring your pet rabbit to the vet. Let me get treatment immediately. Do not forget to ask how to check the rabbit right at home.
If the rabbit injured, whether due bitten by rats, cats or dogs. Clean the wound with warm water, shave around the wound. Apply rivanol or salt, in order to avoid the wound from bacteria. Then give iodine or betadine evenly.
Inflammatory diseases of the eye (cornea), this can happen because of a sharp object or sheets of grass. Give drugs containing cephalexin Systematic or Cephalonium Topical, Topical eye ointment.
Ear Mites Disease (crusty ears and smell) .Penyebabnya for mites animal, usually a rabbit affected by this disease is characterized by brown ear and no smelling liquid, previously pink spots and rabbits often menggaruk.Cara treat ear wash with warm water and a clean cloth and apply coconut oil that is genuine, or other drugs such as penicillin or antibiotics injek models (see label medicines and vitamins for rabbits).
Fungal diseases of the skin. Characteristics colored skin rash and thickened matted fur. This is due konsisi dirty cages. How to treat it with the cleaning part is exposed to the fungus and shaving the fur. Give iodine / iodine, then give a new skin ointments.
Hopefully the above tips can help you who are having a pet rabbit. To be better in treatment. Because the animal health mirror of their owners healthy and clean.
Tag : Pets
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