How to care for and Selecting a horse

How to care for and Selecting a horse
Today I will explain how to care for horses and also how to choose a good horse. Sport horses either pacing or Stables (Equestrian) and physically demanding type of its own. You should see it start from Construction, Height, Body Condition / Posture, Pedigree (Ancestry) and Healthy Horse. And one more important thing is CERTIFICATE (BRK). All horses for sporting purposes must be certified by the Bureau issued Regristrasi Riding. The reason is because one of the horses in the race classification will be determined by BRK followed it. Suppose for Runway: type Sandel, G / Pony, KPI or Thoroughbred. While in Equestrian usually classified based RAS high horse and horse kuda.Untuk not exercise to the terms is not required, unless you want to Breeding (Livestock). Breeding still have to follow the rules of the organization as a horse ranch results that will be used for the race.
Or high class horse in the group G. Riding Pony horse pony divided into G1, G2, G3, G4. Also there KPI, KP5, KP6. The higher the G his horse has a larger percentage of thoroughbred blood, while decreasing local blood. Therefore the height of the horse's back from the higher ground. The price is higher as well. The higher the horse's back, the better in terms of pace, speed is therefore grouped in a separate class. Rules Pordasi have a Class A, B, C, D, E and F for pony where Class A is the highest class.
The last one is the budget you have to spend to membali horses. Prices horses vary widely, depending, Gender, Pedigree, High Horse (class), RAS horse (Sandel, Pony / G, KPI, Thoroughbred), Performance Horses, Achievement Its mother, Achievement father, colors, and Characteristics of Physical Si Riding .For those who have experienced a matter of color horse horses were given the lowest weighting. But Sex and the Pedigree and Achievements have the highest weighting.
The last is how to choose a good horse. Well now I will explain how to care for horses good point that horses are not easily affected by the disease. For routine care of horses, done specifically as a shower 2 times a day. While the food is also specially formulated both of the local food and supplementary nutrition food. Food is given two times a day.Sources of energy needed comes from the horse carbohidrat on crop forages (cellulosa) grasses, grains (grains), protein and fat. The green grass has an energy content and nutrients is higher than the old and dry. Every day for one horse spent 6 kg of feed, while for the green grass is light food for the horses.Horse daily ration consisted of green grass (forages), grains, and minerals needed. Grains (grain) can of corn flour, bran, tommy, oats, rice etc. Either in the form or in the form of ground rupture pellete.Clean water is not contaminated should be given as a daily intake freely according to their needs, the horses need water for metabolic processes, instead of the sweat that comes out when working or running. However, the provision of water is arranged after the process of cooling the body, approximately 1 hour after work or run over. Give the lawn after the horse finished running until the body temperature really cool new normal again be allowed to drink water. The supply of water after the hard work done can cause problems such as the emergence of Cholic.
Many explanations from me about how to pick a horse and take care of a horse. Pick a horse and groom properly will support the performance of the horse itself. If we must choose sires horse ang has a proven record in the competition arena while still young. If racehorses, yes on the racetrack, if Equestrian, yes in a race event matching riding, show jumping, cross country, Endurance. Horses are also an animal that has value to the owner. In addition to the pet, equine animal is also considered as a 'prestigious' associated with prestige and dignity of the person. Therefore, the presence and the birth of a new horse highly coveted by every horse breeder.
Tag : Pets
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