Maintaining Arowana fish is very pleasant because it can relieve stress. But if we do not often check / caring for arowana fish properly then that will happen is not the fun malalahan illnesses. It is already a risk for us. One risk maintain / cultivate fish Arowana is dying because of diseases such as Redspot, Mushrooms, Bite Tail, Stress etc. Below is described some arowana disease and ways to overcome them.1. Bite Tail DiseaseBefore suffering from this disease usually arowana will exhibit other than usual. Arowana will seem agitated by swimming back and forth to and fro. A few days later the tail fin to be torn membranes that resemble a comb and that is left is the radius of the fins. These symptoms initially only small and will grow long and not infrequently part of the flipper fingers will be lost.The disease is usually caused by a parasite that is attached to the tail Arowana and cause itching intolerable. Arowana endeavor to deal with how to swim back and forth and biting its tail so that it looks ragged.Treatment of the disease is relatively easy. Move Arowana into another aquarium clean (sterile), and it is filled with water that meets the requirements. Put about 20 drops of medicine Tropical Medicine and let Arowana Fish remain in it for a few days. Do not forget to clean the aquarium is only so that later arowana can be placed back in without fear of contracting again.2. Close Gills RoundedOften we see arowana gill cover curved out, so most visible gills. Arowana with conditions like this certainly unsightly. Arowana fish this one died of gill disease, with the characteristics of fish gills turn black.The cause of this disease varies, the first one due to the quality of water in the tank does not meet the standards, especially temperature. Aquarium is too cold or warm could push arowana fish affected by this disease. Other causes are providing medicine is too doses, similar attacks bacteria, or because the water in the aquarium low oxygen content. This can be explained because the water has low oxygen content will llebih often make arowana gill opening and closing. The movement was often imperfect. This means that before the gill cover is benarmenutup, trigger-opened again to breathe deeply of water to meet the demands of oxygen. From this imperfect motion and then close the arowana gills remain open and his body was not normal.To prevent him from keeping the oxygen content in the water remains high overcome by providing enough aeration in the tank. If necessary aerator replaced with more power. Then do not forget to keep the overall water quality remained excellent so it remains habitable by arowana.
Arowana fish treatment techniques, one of which is by clipping the sick fish between two glass clamps in the bucket, and to supply pure oxygen directly at the gills. If the gill cover is curved has not been too severe then it can be fixed by doing a little surgery on the edge of the gill lid.3. Hunger StrikeArowana strikers usually are too often given a live centipede. They will be reluctant to accept other food, is also a dead centipede. If it's like this then puasakan arowana for approximately one week should not be fed anything. Then give other types of food, for example crickets, lizards, frogs are small, or small fish. If after a week arowana should not also want to eat live fish seiakan just for survival. Please note in order to keep arowana fish should be selected not squint surface dwellers like guppy. Thus we need not worry and arowana able to return to normal. If the way is still not give results then we leave it to the arowana to accept food.Another alternative is to provide a medicine Hobbies Fishes into 200 liters of water that is often used to place arowana residing. These capsule-shaped efficacious drug to cure stress and various diseases as well as to stimulate the appetite arowana. The final choice gave centipede once a week alternately with other types of food.4. Squint Eye DiseaseThis disease arises because a lot of things. Too often arowana fish hunt or fish in the bottom corner of the aquarium is considered as one of the main causes. Certainly not excessive if no advice to feed arowana with floating alone. Too often arowana see small fish is underneath causing his muscles grew longer.Drooping eye can also be caused due to lack of arowana get enough sunlight. This may be attributed to the properties of sunlight on the growth of the human eye.To treat crossed eyes could be done by moving the arowana in a more spacious and gets direct sunlight while given the floating food. the chosen place can be like fiberglass or cement tanks. In this way, the 80% arowana will recover. Another way is to do a small operation.5. Rectal red fish and SwellingIf we look at the rectum and swollen red arowana not to think that they are in heat. It was a sign that the arowana in difficulty, which can lead to death.Anal arowana red and swollen due to the provision of food is not clean. As a result, disturbed digestion so arowana fish trouble issuing its excretion.To prevent this, the food should be cleaned before it is given to the arowana. Whatever type of live foods given should be fasted in advance for 1-2 days. Arowana suffering from rectal red and swollen bisaa treated with ammonium sulfate.6. Stand ScalesScales up and sometimes there are some that rot is usually caused by a dirty environment. Replacement of water that can routinely avoid arowana from this disease. For arowana are disease infestation can be supplied as ammonium sulphate as a cure.7. Crooked SpineThis disease can be caused by several things. First there is the attack bacteria that enter the body back arowana resulting in abnormal growth. Another cause is due to a mistake in giving the drug. The cause of the latter is due to the size of the aquarium that is too small.To prevent the arowana put into awuarium whose size is sufficient. Keep the aquarium so that the arowana is not plagued by the bacteria and do not give the wrong medicine.8. Broken TailJust like disease crooked spine disease is caused because of the size of the aquarium that is too narrow. In addition it can be caused by poor handling. For example at the time moved arowana rebel or when first put into their aquarium to swim fast and plow. Because the cause is due to technical factors, the handling should be careful.9. tentacle grows shortTentacle arowana not grow perfectly and looks awkward with their bulky shape. Arowana murmur can occur because a draw is not placed in an aquarium that is too small. Almost similar to the cause of his back bent, arowana short murmur can be caused by medication errors.To obtain normal growth of antennae that can be done by cleaning the tank regularly and replace the water. Do not forget, put arowana in the aquarium are commensurate with the substantial weight.10. The tail and fins puckerTail and fins are shriveling can occur when the water in the tank is too dirty or the water temperature is too low. Handlers to re-set the heat by adding a heater and clean the aquarium. It could also be given medication ammonium sulfate sufficiently.11. tentacle indented DownArowana are healthy have whiskers look forward. But often arowana whiskers limp, protrudes downward. This is a sign of arowana is in an environment that is improper. To restore the original condition of arowana such as temperature and cleanliness should be noted aquarium water.12. Misty EyesEyes misty or "Cloudy Eye" marked by graying membrane eyelets. The outer surface of the eye appear coated by a thin layer of white.Generally, these symptoms are caused by deteriorating water quality conditions, mainly as a result of increased levels of ammonia in the water. If symptoms occur misty eyes, Makkah, things should be suspected in advance is the condition of the water. Correction of water parameters to suit the purposes of the fish concerned. If these symptoms occur, whereas water parameters under normal circumstances, it is possible that the symptoms are caused by something else.Some things that can trigger a misty eye are:- Secondary infections, following the occurrence of physical damage to the eye.- Excessive mucus production, usually as a result of a reaction against protozoan parasite infestation (skin mucous membrane disease); deteriorating water quality (ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate); pH values ​​do not match; poisoning (chlorine / chloramine); or as a result of the provision of behavioral treatment is not appropriate.- Diplostomum (fluke in the eye). In this case the white part of the eye is the lens, not the outer surface of the eye.- Infeksti external bacteria- Lack of vitamins, especially vitamin A, B, and C.Misty eye symptoms may also be accompanied by Exophtahlmia (Pop Eye / Eyes bulging), malaise, or irritation.Treatment and recovery misty eyes should refer to the causes that caused. Therefore, look carefully and try identifying the probable cause prior to undertake remedial action.Arowana gill operating problems:Method 1:One is by clipping the sick fish between two glass clamps in the bucket, and to supply pure oxygen directly at the gills.If the gill cover is curved has not been too severe then it can be fixed by doing a little surgery on the edge of the gill lid.Method 2: wearing dope arowana- Move the fish bucket dlm ato plastic tub- Prepare a bucket lid jga ato ttup plastic tub (since wktu d inputs anesthetic, the fish will jump-jump)- After the fish stoned, lift the fish, put it on the cloth d- Perform a cutting operation that kebuka the gill cover (do not forget dsteerilkan)- Cutting with a way d suir suir yes bag gills mouth curved (BKN d scissors exhausted and jgn contact with the bone that harshness)- When finished, return the fish dlm aqua (water her mouth udh d gnti)- Unconscious pelan2 fish with the fish's mouth in a way closer k yg air bubbles out of the pump in aquaRisks: causes blood khabisan fish (dead) and the stress on tingkkat eminence (possibly pain)love mouth nutritious mkn frog / shrimp (because it is good for growth)Natural anesthetic for arowana:The extract of papaya (papain enzyme, kaprina alkaloids, pseudo karparina, glikosid, karpasid, saponin, sucrose, dextrose and levulose)Bitter extract (andrographolide is a ketone terpene compounds)Esense cloves (eugenol)Extract tobacco (nicotine, narnikotin, anabosin, anatobin and myosin)Sharing article Gills Operation (folding, hardware, etc.):Equipment is required:- Sharp Scissors of stainless (rust-free, free of dirt).- Alcohol 100%- Dope- Styrofoam (If any)- Drug yellow pomate- Large plastic bags min 2 packs of plastic bagsProcess Operations:1. Prepare the equipment (scissors cleaned with alcohol after it was wiped with a clean cloth)2. Prepare Drugs3. Stunning Aro you to sleep (remember, read the rules of use of the drug!)4. The picture is for who has often surgery / operation, if still takut2 aronya put into styrofoam so carefully during the operation.5. Surgery is already finished, now just be dealt uneven parts.Source: n1wanred (id: dhlee (7490))How to Resolve Currency Fog / Cloud Eye treatment:1. prepare aer sludge aeration that many while dikasi2. Drain aqua, and clean the mouth in it, including equipment if necessary replace the new mouth, prepare salt fish, salt use ato ga English. aer aqua with new contents that is already deposited, English salt intake of the packaging, let stand for one day.3. Drain back aqua, by removing 1/3 1/2 ato aer aqua, refill with new aer that is already deposited, masikin again the English salt,lakuin this process every day until we recover aro.cause:Sanitary quality less intact so that the quality aerator decreasesHow to overcome the arowana's eyes mist?Wearing a yellow medicine for AntibacteriaSome types of classes for Arowana:1. Variants Super Red, Chili Red, and Blue Base Super Red color is very bright sign in Grade 12. Arowana with less bright red color like Red and Orange Red Yellow included in Grade 1.53. Crossback and RTG as Green Arowana, Pino, Red and Yellow Banjar Banjar Arowana categorized as Grade 24. Position Crossback, RTG and Hybrid Arowana is still unclear. Can Grade 1 or 1.5How to distinguish SR arowana red chili and red blood?- Color DisplayMC: As red chiliMD: As blood red- Physical formMC: Body shape is wider, spoon-shaped headMD: Longer and leaner- Width of the bodyMC: Relatively fixed up before the base of the tail, scales thicker frameMD: narrows gradually- Color malaMC: red eyes wide so outskirts eyes as if to touch the top of the head and the lower jawMD: Eye whiter and smaller- The shape of the tailMC: Like a diamond (diamond)MD: As a fan- Color at a young ageMC: They tend to have a green base color with a dense metallic sheenMD: Have luster weaker and tend to be similar to the young RTG; More rounded body shape- GrowthMC: SlowerMD: FasterHow to distinguish the orange banjo (banjo red) and yellow banjo (banjo pink):- Color finsBO: Color flippers younger tend to orange-red or paleBK: Red concentrated uniformly on the entire surface- Color scalesBO: Yellow or greenishBK: Shiny- Frame fins and gill coverBO: Pink old or like rust, after mature to orange or redBK: No display as in BanjarSource: (echo Syahdan)Some things to consider in tanning arowana?- Tanning is a minimum of 12 hours at the latest- Each tanning definitely have ED- Do not use the usual white TL, usually easily stressed aro- PG good lights can make the glass lumutan- Full tanning preferably after size 25cm-up, waiting mentally stable aro- Usually the aromania use a combination between PG & actinic light blue with comparison2: 1 inc PG 40 watt AB: 20 ​​watts. Rich Klo gini ga need to use heater lg, Uda pretty hot- Submerged underwater - dye lightsbrand: nan, oceanfree, dragon, dagenbao etc.- PL - can be placed on-side aquariumbrand: LIFETECH, JEBO, Boyu etc.How to cope with fish begong:The initial symptoms:1. Fish no appetite2. The fish are not very active3. The period of time the color faded fish / pale4. Silence in the base (parking)5. Do not respond as usualCause:1. The water temperature is below 28º C2. The difference in the pH of the water too much. arowana pH 6.5 to 83. Feeding that excess4. Movements of fish into a new aquarium5. The difference in water parameters when changing water6. levels of nitrites, nitrates and ammonia above normal7. Water quality is bad (dirty)8. The water was not replaced in the long term9. The filter media is never in the clear10. The aquarium space is too big / small for fishPrevention:1. Do not give excessive feed2. Aquarium do pounded3. Turn off the lights aquarium after 12 hours4. Location of the aquarium to avoid the height of people passing byTreatment:1. Install the heater and raise the temperature to 32º C2. Install the current (power head) according to the capacity of water3. Provide a companion fish (kaviat, Sumatra or pink tail)4. Change the water 25% with the new water that precipitated5. Move the fish to another aquarium with larger sizeWhat is arowana nungging (swim bladder)?Arowana nungging (swim bladder) or disorder of the swim bladder of fish that cause arowana arowana swim menungging downward,I can say this disease is very difficult to cure even practically incurable if the arowana has been subjected to interference on the bubble bathing
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