Caring for Cats Persian Good And Right

Easy Ways to Take Care of Cats Persian Good And Right For Beginners - Persian cat is a cat who is very pretty with a great body shape and dense, large and round head, covered with thick hair.
Her ears tipped round, the base widened, not too high and tilted forward. Typically the most visible is a pug nose.Some equipment Prepared For Persian CatsBefore you have a beautiful Persian cat and funny. You should have some preparation for the Persian cat supplies, including the following:

1. Food
To give the cat food we have to pay attention to the label. If the cat we were kids, find food berlebel kitten (little cat) so he's not one of the intake. For the brand differently in cat food products. Different nutrient content therein.

2. Dosing Food
The dose of these foods serve to take the food. But if you replace with bottles of drinking water can also be. Depending on how the budget you there. Customize with your abilities yes, do not be overbearing, so burdensome.

3. Where to Eat and Drink
No selling places to eat and drink in a container with different holes. Places like this is more efficient, because it saves space and space. Do not forget to always provide food and drink at that place, so that when you are hungry cat can simply search for a place to eat it.

4. Sand Box
Sandbox is used to place the sand. This place is provided to help your cat to defecate or urinate. Like toilet for us. Cats also need a place to pee. So the cat is not carelessly discard the water.

5. Sand
Use the special sand for cats that no aroma of fragrant fruit. Special sand cat also has its own function, ie when the dipasir cat litter, then the dirt will clot and dry. So it is not easy to smell and easy to take. Usually sand is only to be disposable. If it has been exposed to cat litter, sand terkenanya discarded immediately.

6. drain Sand
This drain serves to take already clumping cat litter in a sandbox. Then the dirt is removed. Through these tools will greatly help us in cleaning up cat pee. So that our hands are not dirty and smelly, despite having to take care of a cat pee.

7. Shampoo
No difference with humans, cats also need shampoo to shower and be used also for the body. Shampoo cats usually used once a week. But be careful ya in bathing the cat. Especially the part near the eye.

8. Baby Oil and Cotton
Baby Oil and Cotton is used to clean ears ear. Keep the cat to you, especially you who keep the cat inside the house, even sleep together with the cats. Should be extra care for cleanliness.

9. Vitamin
Besides equipment for the needs of the cats body, there is also a need vitamins given to cats. This vitamin works to healthy skin and cat fur.
Easy Ways Caring Persian Cats With Good For Beginners

Keep the cage and sandbox
Check the temperature and humidity room
Consider food and beverage cat
Keep your eyes, ears, teeth and nail cutting routine
Perform vaccinations, worming tablets, the control to the vet regularly
Grooming cats: bathe, comb and dry cat fur
Give a / bedding were comfortable, toys and attention
Keep a good relationship with the breeder where adoption and in community

How Do I Know That Pain Persian cat?
Apart from having to take care of the Persian cat properly, we as the employer obliged to know the behavior of what should be known when the cat sick. Here it is the following explanation.

Fatigue and lethargy
It's hard to throw dirt
Excessive shaking his head
Consuming excessive water
Decreased appetites or otherwise
So it is more aggressive and hyperactive
Hobble or hard standing
There is a discharge from body openings
There is a cat swollen body parts
Weight up or down abruptly
Recipes Crispy Fried mozzarella sticks and SavoryIf you look from the one mentioned above, then immediately take your cat to the vet. Because animals do you need special care. In order to know the cause of her illness, and how to treat it.
Suggestions Reference Books Caring Persian Cats Good And Right
My advice if you want the entire manual, you can buy a book of Cats COMPLETE GUIDE BOOK FOR YOUR CAT, a bouquet of cacang effendi blogt owner. As these lines are written, he served as president of the club cat fancier society of Indonesia (CFSI), CFA club Indonesia, and the founder of Successful Farming communities Cats Ras. Or you can follow the group on facebook that addresses The book is available in bookstores such as Gramedia, TM book store, Book Stores Karisma, etc. for Rp.85.000 - Rp.95.000
Tag : Cats
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